Saturday, 9 October 2021

Time management tips to finish your Dissertation work quickly

 But completing a dissertation is no easy task and demands more than just subject knowledge. Time is the essence, as it is not uncommon for researchers to take more than a year to submit a thesis paper. But while pursuing graduation or post-graduation, it is evident that the student must submit their dissertation within the given time. 

           Most students find this task difficult as this post-pandemic era demands students to focus more on generating parallel income sources. But if you are looking to manage your time to finish your paper quickly, this article is for you. We will share some most efficient ways to manage your time better. Let us drive straight into it

Time management tips to finish your Dissertation

1 - Create a Plan has its benefits – 

We only have 24 hours a day, but we learn to manage our time effectively to make the most out of it. It starts with creating a plan, but before creating an outline, there are some things that we need to consider, 

  • Scope of the research –Some research takes time, as some data sets need time to prove their relevance. There are no ways one can speed this process up. Instead, if your project demands data on a larger time frame, we suggest a plan for getting the data rather than creating your dissertation
  • Demand for a new skill – It is found that the demand for a unique skill set is often demanded by researchers to acquire the relative skill that is not taught in the class. For these scenarios, plan first on completing the course and then only start doing your research planning.
  • Plan break-ups –It is equally important that you should be able to break your plan into formidable actions. As with more minor activities, one can submit the paper quickly. It is our advice a minimum of two hours should be planned for performing literature review in the first week, and then we can gradually increase the time.
2 - Look for an engaging topic – 

A literature review is the only way you can take up an engaging topic that not only intrigues you but arouse curiosity in your professors. Dedicate time and effort according to plan to find the related works done in your field of interest. 

  • Literature review needs to be perfect –Invest more effort in reading-related research topics; you may find the idea and the methodology used by researchers that will help you in your research paper.
3 - Take notes in a notebook –

You will have access to more data than that you have ever had. You should keep a notebook handy that you can take notes of comparative data. While performing a literature review, you should also take up an excel with the data like author name, publication year, title.

4 Take distractions out –

Distractions kill time more than you might have anticipated. In the era of technology, no one can look away from a screen for more than an hour. Social media and messaging services are taking away precious time; you need to pledge to keep your social media accounts logged out and phone in flight mode. 

  • Make sure you open emails in your workstation –It is also essential to keep your professors in the loop for your progress. It is expected that professors mail. Take 15-30 minutes to go through all your mails and revert.

5.      Start writing –

After making your plan perfect, please start writing.

  • Write little but write every day –Make it a habit to write every day. You must practice.
5 - Take every help possible–

It's easy to ask for help if you feel the need for it; there is online dissertation help for your benefit. If you are worried about completing the thesis, please don't; instead, try to put up effort every day and watch your dissertation get completed instead of published.

Please remember that thesis writing might demand more than one effort; planning while taking in buffer time is advisable. 



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